Paid Surveys are open for everyone, but just a few succeed in earning a handsome amount from this business. Others end up losing money instead of earning some cash. Do not pay for joining any survey site or directory. I can describe several reasons for not paying to join any site.
But before doing so, let me explain how this all works. Companies conduct these surveys to collect a variety of opinion from the public, regarding some product. This data is then used to improve some existing product or develop a new one.
For this purpose, they hire market research companies who design and conduct the online surveys to gather the required information. That is where you fit in. Being an active part of the community, you have your opinion about the said product. Sell it to the research companies!
Some people get too enticed by the offers available on the survey sites and readily pay for a membership. What happens next? They never get what they were promised. Even the sites offering money back guarantee never look back. So, I would prefer to join a site not asking for any upfront payment.
There are other reasons for not paying. You are paying for a commodity that is available for free as well. The information being sold by these directory sites is easily available on the internet. Market research companies need as many members as possible. So, why should they ask for a membership fee and turn their potential audience away?
Many market research companies run affiliate programs in order to recruit new members. If a directory introduces you to some survey site, the owners of that directory are already being paid by the survey site you are referred to. There is no justification in getting paid twice for providing a single service.
Moreover, there are survey sites you can find directly on the internet. All you have to do is a little bit of hard work finding them. You will not have to pay even a dime for this. The only criteria is your demographics. If you fit in the criteria set for a certain survey, you will receive the offer.
I strongly urge that you should not pay any money to access these lists or directories. Though it is possible to recover your investment if you start earning, but there is a risk involved in it. What if you do not earn anything and do not get a refund?
Here is a free Top 5 List of Paid Survey Sites to Answer Surveys, paying $5-$275 for each survey taken.
Suzanne is an expert on Paid Surveys and author of this article and runs the resource site Legitimate Paying Surveys, which features a top 7 list of the 100% free paid survey sites she has made the most amount of money on, along with a review of each. FREE to Join!
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