Monday, 28 December 2009

2009 Paid Survey Websites - Are the Good Paying Ones Still Here?

Many of you swear that none of the good 2009 paid survey sites are still around. While I admit that it can seem like they've all disappeared, I also admit that I know why it's happening. The truth of the matter is that there are still many places that offer top dollar for all the surveys you take from them. The problem is finding those 2009 paid survey sites, though.

This is the biggest dilemma right now and many people are giving up on surveys because of it. In a weird sort of way, this is good news for you, because that means there are less people competing to fill out surveys and the quotas for those companies will not be filled so quickly. I'm not going to go on and on about the various ways to look for 2009 paid survey sites and I'm not going to give you a huge list of places that you should think about joining. No. I'm going to give you the simplest tip imaginable, but it's a tip that has helped me find so many of the higher paying websites. Whenever I feel the need to find new, fresh, top dollar websites, I use this one simple trick and it never fails to work.

I use message boards. The bigger ones to be exact. The reason I stick with the big ones is because they care about the content in their website. They do not allow things like spam and misleading/dishonest info to sit in their topics. They hate that stuff just as much as we do, so they take all of it out. This is a huge, huge deal, because most of the web is littered with spam when it comes to information about surveys. You won't find that junk in here, though. That's why you can find so much info about hundreds of 2009 paid survey sites out there. Big message boards have huge archives, which are always packed with past topics about surveys. All you do is stick your head into a few of them and browse at your leisure. Everything and anything has been talked about in there.

I can't even begin to tell you how many 2009 paid survey sites I've found this way and I still make money from all of them.

Here is a free Top 5 list of 2009 Survey Sites.

Adam Woodham runs the site Free Survey List, which features the Top 5 legit paid survey sites for you to make money by PayPal or check, along with a review of each.

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