The need to make money has driven even more people worldwide to the internet looking for ways to supplement their incomes. One of the easiest ways to earn some quick money is by doing surveys online. The question is though, survey sites do they work?
There are hundreds of sites offering to help you to earn money by doing surveys. Many of these surveys sites these days want to charge you a joining fee. To hook you in, they will tell you that you can make $50 - $100 for each survey. Pay for survey sites do they work? Not in this instance they don't.
I have been doing surveys online for many years now and the most I have ever earned for doing one survey is $24, and believe me that was a one off. The truth of the matter is that on average you will earn from $0.80 - $1.60 per survey you complete. Most of the surveys you will be asked to do will take 20 - 30 minutes to complete. So at most on average you will earn $4.80 per hour.
So back to the original question, survey sites do they work? Well looking at those figures you would assume that the answer would be no, but you would be wrong. Doing surveys online does work, now i know you are not going to be earning thousands of dollars per week, but the truth is someone is willing to give you nearly £5 per hour just to answer some simple questions.
Even if you only done 2 hours of surveys per day each day this would equate to $9.60 x 7 = 67.2. So that's just over $62 per week, or to put it into perspective that's $288 per month. Now I don't know about you but that makes a big difference to anyone's monthly wage. The question of survey sites do they work? Depends on how you look at them.
If you want to supplement your income then survey sites do work, but if you are expecting to make hundreds of dollars per week doing them, then no survey sites will not work for you. The one bit of advice I would give to you is that on no circumstances pay a site to send you surveys. There are much easier ways to find out which survey sites are the best to join.
Garry has been earning money online for many years doing surveys and shares the best survey sites to join at Home Easy Earn. To learn the best ways to make money online for free then go to